The Comprehensive Islamic Library works on which devices?

You can download the books of the Comprehensive Islamic Library on the following platforms: (1) Windows (2) Mac OS (3) iPhone and iPad (4) Android phones and tablets.

Does the Comprehensive Islamic Library work on Windows 7 and XP?

The Comprehensive Islamic Library supports which versions of the iOS?

How to install the Comprehensive Islamic Library’s Android App?

How to install the Comprehensive Islamic Library on iPhone or iPad?

How to install the Comprehensive Islamic Library on Windows?

Opening the Windows software for the first time takes time, why?

How do I browse books online using the website?

Why is “my library” section empty?

How do I download books?

How do I add my own books to the library or import other books?

How can I get the latest books uploaded to the Comprehensive Islamic Library ?

Can books be downloaded in PDF format?

Can I read books without an internet connection?

What are the types and forms of books in the Comprehensive Islamic Library?

If I delete the application, will the downloaded books be deleted?

Why are some of the program features disabled?

How do I publish my book on the Comprehensive Islamic Library ?

Why are some books misspelled?

Are all books on the Comprehensive Islamic Library free?

Why should I register on the website or the app?

How do I register in the Comprehensive Islamic Library?

I haven't received the email confirmation link

I Forgot my password

How do I change the email of my account in the Comprehensive Islamic Library?

How many devices can I log in to with one account?

I want to delete my account from the Comprehensive Islamic Library

I am the owner of a book rights, how do I request that the book be removed from the Comprehensive Islamic Library?

Can my books be sold on the Comprehensive Islamic Library?